IGN of reported player: Emperor the GM.
Reason: insulting players in event using different language, he said something in his language and another player translated it so it means, "these fokrs crying like hoes" after some people complained about the way he hosts, it might be minor but it's not appropriate when it comes from a GM to normal players, GM is supposed to get rid of those players who talk shit to others, not to inspire them for doing the same thing he doing cause some players will not care and say "even the gm did it so i can do it" maybe teach this gm how to control his mouth and not talk shit cause its not first time he get reported for same thing.
Proof: https://imgur.com/a/pVgOSsC
when musturdcake told him to watch his language he said "am i talking to u"
whoever he was talking about it doesn't matter, just tell him to act mature and show players that gm role isn't a joke and you need to take it serios.