Originally Posted by Tom View Post
There is a HUGE difference between using a Godemode and Macro. You and some others consider Macro as a hack, but there are people like me who don't. Stop comparing Macro to different hacks because this discussion will never end nor will have any solution. The main point of this thread is if Macro users should be banned as well as shotbot and hitbox users.
To make it clear, using hacks in training room isn't allowed and we all know that - It's not allowed at all. Using Macro in training rooms is also punishable as long as you didn't allow the certain player to use it. You're ignoring the main details, and the request of "banning macro users" will never be accepted. Once again, the staff team definitely prefers players more than worthless rules and regulations that have zero significance and that is legitimate.
Also tell me what is a hack. I would like to know why you're qualified to evaluate what qualifies as a hack or not