The update is excellent and all of this, but I have a suggestion regarding the Scrider. Since the Scrider has more HP/AP than before and he's way more harder than what it used to be, and the NPCs as well, enable the possibility to receive HP/AP/Ammo spawns in this CQ as well as in the other CQs and Quests. Just like that, it would be possible for 2-3 players to finish it, and it won't require a team of 4 players to play. Besides, when the boss reaches 20% of HP, he is getting crazy, and his attacks deal a lot of damage, so enabling spawns in Scrider will increase the possibility of finishing it. I understand that this specific CQ is supposed to be the hardest and you try to make it as hard as possible, but as I mentioned above, adding spawns of HP/AP (that can add +10 to our stats, or lower, ups to you) and Ammo spawns, would be more beneficial and fair enough.