Heey there, i've seen alot of people asking about macro'ers lately and i've decided to clear all the things up.

Originally Posted by UkRaiNeR
Game Play

The following are ALL forbidden on our servers:

* Exploiting bugs or cheating of any kind to gain an unfair advantage in the game.
* Killing a player for "free" several times. (Swapping)
* File Edittings, this involved editting certain files on our servers which enables exploits.
* Using third-party programs that give you an unreasonable advantage over other players
* All Character names must comply with Character Name Policy
* Clan/Guild names that do not comply with the same Character Name Policy
* Clan/Guild names that suggest a connection with the Staff at any level (particularly GM)
* Any cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug your or your weapon,item etc. damage.
* Any cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug your or your Hit Points, AP Points or other stats.
* Exploiting game mechanics to make mobs not attack you
* Making yourself unattackable when you should be
* Using macros to spam attacks,moves,etc.
I find it funny that many people claim to have actually "read" the ToS haha.
So now that you know the rules, go back to play again and if you see one of those people simply report them.

Thanks in advance.