Ive been asked to code Fgunz Launcher, what we need now is a really nice interface for the launcher.
There will be 2 parts for the launcher
1: SplashScreen
2: Launcher Interface

This will be a short 5 second screen displaying FGunZ.
Needs to say Freestyle GunZ on it and somewhere needs to say "Coded by Bounty-Hunter" and "Designed by YOUR NAME HERE (if you want)" Size (480x272).

Launcher Interface:
This is the actual interface for the launcher. Needs to have a custom (-) and (x) button on the top
Size (720 x 494), must have a "Start Game" "Game Launch" or "Play" button and a "Start Game "Game Launch" or "Play" (any text you want) highlighted button (when the mouse hovers over the button)
And last but not least a custom progress bar ( 401 x 33 )

If interested in creating the Interface, please post a reply.