Originally Posted by Desecration View Post
It all comes down to the same thing. Interests. Events just aren't interesting for me/others. Same thing with how some players only play certain modes (glad, training, garden, rotation, cw, etc). I've been on this server since 2015 and have only participated in one event before.

I feel like if anything hosting events kills off other rooms that are currently in progress. Sure events are a great way to entertain some of the community. But as long as they are able to find a good balance between attention towards event players, cw players, casual players, and questing then I think they're doing a good job.
You're right that like almost any other game, the community is divided in what it wishes to play most. However, the difference with events is that it could have something for all kinds of players (including the ones interested in glad, training, garden, rotation, cw, etc, take a look at the event list), and the fact is that even when those events that could be interesting for those communities happen, they rarely if ever join because they don't really "feel like it" or "the same players always win" (even though thats not the case in the events that these communities would be interested in), or they simply dont care enough to learn how to play the event and win. This might change however, if theyre provided with actual incentive to play the events instead of some sub-par event items with event points which to most people are just 1:2 coins (which until the recent update you would have gotten from the weekly competition anyways, with coins being acquired from 100 other sources as well).