Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
First of all, I'm not saying that your idea is not good, I wouldn't mind having more "skins" for limitbreakers if you can actually bring 15 users who cw to see what they say as you've stated above. All I'm saying is that you cannot say stuff like "we don't need 10 dmg sgs" because that's your OWN opinion, lots of users, users who cw as well, are using those sgs.

Secondly, just because you don't see me clanwaring on my main does not mean I do not clanwar, I have an alt account which I use for clanwars so get your facts straight and don't jump to conclusions just like that.

Thirdly, it doesn't matter whether someone is playing clanwar or not, all opinions are welcomed.
When i said we i meant is not only my own opinion Loool
U know u are not cwing , its easy to recognize u even when u play , anyway ur cws more to gladiator , im not blaming u its ok its hard for u to understand because u play with 10 dmg with a quite mind ..