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  1. #5
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    There are arguments both ways, which I'm sure most people here can fathom for themselves. Ill just choose to bring up the one I think is probably most relevant to why the system is in place just like it is right now.

    I've been questioned by curious people for a while for how my elo is so high while gun players can't really ever get that high (not talking 6.5k, we have skilled people here. But the 10+k I had in the past? Good luck when you gain 1-2 per kill and lose 100 on death).

    The simple reality is that gladiator is a lot more deterministic about an individuals skill level leading them to kill their opponent first. While not entirely truly deterministic due to factors like massive angle luck, enemy ****in up or just straight up ping, the trend for who wins in gladiator is a lot more consistency for the better player. In bnb, however, aim is such a random mechanic for the game that every player relies on more than anything else. You can be playing for 20 years straight and still might die to someone with 3 lucky pbs if you just cant predict their moves, and fights usually end in less than 15 seconds whereas gladiator usually pushes 30 to a minute, excluding bowing.

    This means that theoretically its easier to gain elo as a gladiator, right? If youre good, youll climb. In bnb, if youre good, you might climb a bit, and still die a lot. Is it fair to put these two in the same category? Well, elo is currently implemented as a measure for your kills vs deaths, not taking into account clan wars and team wins and streaks influencing the numbers a bit (we also have team glad and glad cw, though). By looking at that metric in itself, it makes sense why theres no separation; if you can kill more without dying, surely youre better and deserve to have your elo increase. It just so happens that the skill ceiling for gun fighting is much much higher.

    Both gamemodes are however still a 1v1 duel, and both duels resulted in a significant number of both types of players being on the top 20. I couldnt tell you based on the current top 20 who probably play a lot every day to keep up that rank, but historically, we had a lot of glad players up there and at a point, the top 3 were gladiators. Now if youre saying gladiator is a problem just because 1 person is up there (myself) and the rank 1 player isnt someone who plays your specific gamemode, you might want to rephrase your argument cause that just seems like an excuse to have the top ranked player a gun player exclusively (for some reason), while realistically it will probably never be you. I.e, this suggestion wouldnt exist if you didn't go to the rankings and realized the rank 1 player is a gladiator.
    Last edited by Bunny; 07-12-2023 at 12:54 PM.

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