K listen up, do you think im gona tolerate you sending people to my server to advertise? no i have already had words with McSic about this and he knows what im capable of, i have not advertised once on your server about my server, the reason most of your players have come tomy server is that most of them are my friends and i have told them on Messaging services (MSN, Skype and Vent.)

i swear to god, if you send one more advertiser, i will be back with friends and i willdo something, i enjoy the time i spend at Fgunz, so dont make me do sumthing i dont want to, now this is a final warning, i have already warned McSic and he said Sorry and he will sort out who done it, but guess what, we had another advertiser, so Fgunz for your safety i highly recomened you tell your users to stop.

You guys need to speak to Joeyy aswell, if he even DARES to threaten me again i swear to god i will rip your server to shreds!
