Name: Jimmy Nguyen

Age: 16

Country/Timezone: Pacific // California

In-Game Name(IGN): im not here to play alot im here to work

Contact: MSN = [email protected]

Level in-game: 0

Information(s): i have alot of coding experience in c++, c#, J#, asm and ive made about 4 servers before kinda fail but it was a good experience ive worked for ********* for most of my gunz time but its inactive since owner going to collage

How active are you?: weekdays 3-5 hours weekends 13-14 hours

What is so special about you?: well my weapons are very unique there all customs

Why should we hire you?: i am very active i will always listen to owner/staff and try to have fun with community and yes imma tell u the trust i do ego alot but every1 has some kind of ego in them that they never talk about in an application

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