The below quote is from jakas new thread.
I just want to say like, yeah people make goodbye threads. but most comeback anyways.
so is what your saying like telling them if they make a goodbye thread then they cant come back?

thread can be locked after JAKA answers.

Okay, No More "Leave or no" or "Comeback or no" Threads.

I'm tired of seeing them; so is half of the people that come to these Forums. If you want to leave the Server and Forums, leave the Server and Forums. Quit being attention-grabbers and either leave or stay. It isn't our choice to make you leave, stay, comeback, or whatever. It is YOUR choice. Not ours. Quit making useless spam threads that half the time cause arguments and flame wars as it is.

If we see anymore, it'll be an infraction for spamming and/or trolling. Debate Section is for debating real topics that either deal with GunZ, or real life. Not whether you should leave, comeback, or stay.