Originally Posted by jamaicakiller View Post
LOL, as i watch this thread, i have been laughing seriously hard xD..

People of Freestyle GunZ, i will warn you not to participate in this "tribute" because this guy only wants a tourney for his own amusement. I can assure u guys that this will not be a tribute, he just wants to host a dummy event lol. Really, look at what he is saying, first it was a tribute, so everyone thought "o, i will get replays of me dropping people" but now it is a tourney.. people, read between the lines lol.


Furthermore, people, listen, you have people like me and rash and others who are NA, so why dnt u put a couple of NA's and a couple of EU's. And look, when Rash is in, he say he doubt Rash is going to play, i wonder why, o, i knw why, because rash will drop him ez even though his bad ass is a eu.

Im not here to rage, just here to tell the truth. learn from what i said.

Btw, dnt call anyone kids, because that just makes u sound nub like, and... how old are u again? 25? how bout a job?
Too lazy to read this.