Trencal, the longest running GM on Freestylers GunZ has allowed me to take an interview to give you guys an idea of the life of a GM. This interview was taken on Tuesday the 20th of July 2010, on that moment it was Monday the 19th of July 2010 in America.

(Q: = Mc****, the questioner
A: = Trencal, the answerer)

Q: So, to begin with, tell me something about yourself.
A: I'm Joe, 18, going to be 19 on sept 13th. Live in New York, been a marine for a year, going to college in a month to a school in New Jersey.

Q: All right then, so I heard you are still a marine. Could you tell me something about the life as a marine?
A: Training is the hardest part, Bootcamp, MCT (Marine Combat Training) and you will attend MOS School. Past that it's more of a group, you definitely meet a lot of good people and have fun though.

Q: What's a MOS school?
A: Military Occupational Specialty, your job.

Q: Ahha! And how much spare time do you get as a Marine, knowing that you are a GM on Freestylers GunZ.
A: I know that games such as Freestylers GunZ are secondary, however, being a gm, I am responsible for being available and helping the players as much as I can.

Q: And do you think that your job, being a marine, affects your capabilities to be a GM?
As in, maintaining discipline etc.

A: Yes and no, it helps in some parts as in leading but honestly my actions in the games haven't been affected much by my training.

Q: Ok then. And I assume that you play GunZ as well, aside of being a GM.
A: I've been playing GunZ since Maiet.

Q: Well then I should say: Hello fellow veteran. I'll continue on that later on, but about your training. Do you think that the training you receive as a marine affects your 'skills' in GunZ, and I'm talking bout situation awareness.
A: Somewhat, the lack of actually touching a computer diminished my skills, im pretty bad now compared to back then, and the speed of GunZ doesn't really have much of an affect on situation awareness, you don't have much time to think as well react, in slower games, yes. but you can move across the map so quickly that you basically always have to watch 360 degrees.

Q: Most interesting, never thought of it like that. You said that the lack of actually touching a computer diminished your skills, and that makes me wonder, in what period were you on the top of your game? So basically, what was your best period?
A: probably a month before i joined, Rui was helping me with my b and i was getting better at FBS. GunZ is an experience game when everyone knows the same skills. You have to know how to lead, how people will move etc. Eventually it comes naturally as you play more and more.

Q: That's true, GunZ is indeed a game of continuous learning, and improving. Speaking of leadshooting, MaIet has published that it will make a sequel to GunZ: The Duel. Named accordingly GunZ: The Second Duel. In which there will be no need to leadshoot, or laggshoot as some people will know it. What do you expect of GunZ: The Second Duel? And will you play it?
A: I'll try it, I like the idea of removing leading honestly. But we'll see how the playout with styles such as K-style and D-style. I hope they do add a few more "glitches" however I think a lot of dedicated GunZ players will stick with GunZ 1 as it will be hard to copy the gameplay.

Q: Continuing on that, do you think that, when GunZ: The Second Duel is released, Freestylers GunZ will make a private server on that as well?
A:We will no doubt have a poll once the private server files are up, however no promises either way; it all depends on how the community likes the new game.

Q: All right! I'm afraid we've exceeded our time, and I'll finish up the interview with a few questions regarding the Freestylers GunZ community. Are you ok with that?
A: Sure

Q: Ok then, first things first: How did you discover the Freestylers GunZ community?
A: I was hearing people on ijji talk about private servers and i wanted to see what was different about them, I was level 55 on ijji GunZ so I had enough time there. I found Freestylers GunZ and decided to try it out.

Q: And how did you become the, if I heard it right, oldest GM here?
A: only ones that have been part of the staff longer are Girbicid McSic and Sniper. The rest either quit or have been fired.

Q:And how did you become a GM?
A: Reported a ton of hackers and was extremely active.

Q: And while being a GM, I assume you get to see the best and the worst sides of a community, so could you tell me something about the best, and the worst sides of the Freestylers GunZ community?
A: best was having fun, playing games with alot of people and the closeness you get that you don't get in ijji, Worst is how badly people hold grudges, ego and flame each other, however its expected from any community.

Q: Nicely said, these are the last two questions, and then we're done.
A: Ok.

Q: What would you like to see changed in Freestylers GunZ?
A: More activeness, I remember a year ago where we had over 250 people in-game. I believe theres posts about it on the old forums, now we're sitting at the 50 or so loyal people, and I never see over 40 people in game, wish it would change, hoping the new client gives us a chance to get a lot of people

Q:And that changes my last question, sorry McSic, I was going to ask how he feels about you but this is quite more interesting. Could you tell us something about the new client? Something we do not already know?
A: Honestly not much that i even know about it. Only a gm, lowest of the ranks, All i know is its close at hand.

Q: Good to know! Well, all that's left here is to thank you for your time and for giving me the opportunity to show the community of Freestylers GunZ a view into the life of a GM.Thank you very much.
A: Anytime

Trencal has agreed to the publishing of this interview as it was sent to him to review. Complaints or questions can be send in a Personal Message/ Private Message to Mc****. Thank you for reading this interview.