Originally Posted by NIII View Post
Addressing the low population issue; if people voted often, more players would come in, wouldnt they? When im looking for a pserv, I look at the individual sites from top to bottom of the list. (if we were at the top, more players would look at the server)

So, since there are no vivid links on the forums to vote, and the only one I can honestly ever recall seeing is on the front page of the server, that I visited once (when registering), shouldnt we promote voting?

Is there a way we could have a vote point system like WoW servers? Only instead of getting equips free, you would get timed items that are less powerful than donors, but more powerful than regular weapons of a certain level. I mean, it sounds like a solid plan to me.

Of course, this could just be the awkward thread that no one really pays attention to. xD
McSic has a "solution" to this "problem", or so he says.