so today i go out shopping and im like hmm imma buy some gcoin cards so i buy 4 53$ pretty good chunk of money i get home and try to put them in i try to log in. incorrect pw, so i try several other pws i generally use. nothing i try to retrieve my pw ur email isnt used... WTF so i retrieve User name and it says an email has been sent to a******* which if u didnt know is a 10minute email address, so im talking with a few friends and it still hasnt clicked in then im like... OH MY F*********** AKAD***ADSFK:ADKGNSLDKNSKLDFHM i was hacked.

i had MANY unlimited items on this acc and its been on ijji for a very long time. lvl 56.

if u cant tell im extremely pissed off right now.

so i have 4 GCoins card 420GCoins in total... no im not giving them away LOL. i may be willing to trade for something tho.