Its official.. Im starting up maps a new. My maps were decent way back v1 FOREVER!!!, but I want to make things difficult. With that being said, Ill do my best to get this one done not necessarly soon, but will make sure its a GREAT map. The one im currently designing will be used for primarily deathmatch, and some others, although If you guys would like I could make side corridors on the sides of this map for possible team death match spots . This one to start off will be complex in design with structures, but fairly simple as far as contents. The second map I have in design once I get used to this program will be close to that of Maiet's maps(Im shooting for anyway). Again, I wont be adding too much special things except textures. I wasnt able to accomplish sky and water features way back when so it'll take me time to practice those. They may or may not be added to this map. This is just the main structure iv'e gotten done today. OMG RANDOM THUNDER AND NOW WIND? Or is that rain hmm...OMG LIGHTNING k im off