Don't have anything against you, miquel, but it's sad that instead of just reporting the problem you sit there and abuse it.

He says restarting doesn't help.
If it was REALLY a glitch, restarting gunz would help.
Meaning he's hacking, I know there is a hack that gives the appearance of lag while they look like they aren't on their screen.


Originally Posted by Forsaken - Rules and Regulations
Game Play

The following are all forbidden on our servers:

* Exploiting bugs or cheating of any kind to gain an unfair advantage in the game.
* Killing a player for "free" several times. (Swapping)
* File Editing, this involves editing certain files on our servers which enables exploits.
* Using third-party programs that give you an unreasonable advantage over other players
* All Character names must comply with the Character Name Policy
* Clan/Guild names that do not comply with the same Character Name Policy
* Clan/Guild names that suggest a connection with the Staff at any level (particularly GM)
* Any cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug your or your weapon,item etc. damage.
* Any cheat, method or way to attempt to increase or bug your or your Hit Points, AP Points or other stats.
* Exploiting game mechanics to make mobs not attack you
* Making yourself unattackable when you should be
* Using macros to spam attacks,moves,etc.

Last Activity: 3 weeks ago.

Logging off again.