Listen up, Freestylers!

For our official Youtube channel

Yeah, we have an official youtube channel (you probaly never heard of, because it's so boring and empty).
So how about we pimp it up?

Ever heard of Machinima? Whatever.
If you have any Freestyle GunZ Videos, feel free to send them to Superwaffle or me
so we can upload them to our Youtube channel.

The more videos we get, the more we'll upload.
The channel will get more and more views with each video we upload.
Therefor Freestyle GunZ's popularity will increase, your video views will increase and we'll get more players.

Of course we'll give credits to you and leave a link to your youtube channel if requested.
Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

You just upload your videos to a service such as Sendspace or Mediafire and PM us the link together with a link to your Youtube channel and who to give credits to so we can link to it.

We will download the file and put it on our Youtube Channel.

If you don't have the videos on your computer but only on your Youtube channel, use a free Youtube video downloader (such as DVDVideoSoft Free Studio) to download it.

That would make Freestyle get a bunch of new players.
Feel free to send us some videos now!

You can follow this format when PMing us (you don't have to, but you can)
Download of Video: (download link of the video)
Youtube Channel: (link to your youtube channel)
Credits: (creator of the video)
You can provide us with additional information if you want.

Freestylers Crew

Thanks to Phrus. for this great idea!