
anyway im just a manic depressive dude from finland and
that's pretty much it don't really work i freelance and keep
my options open if a good opportunity comes by someday.

Got a e-mail from freestylers gunz and it got me thinking about gunz after a long long time,
anyway i was playing here actually with characters named gyakushi kadachi or fathermucker
that i can remember i was in clans but can't really remember much anymore but if someone
remembers me then yo duel me friend.

Well im here now as the transparent demon that i am. hope to face all you tough fighters
in the future Pulse is one i remember he was good.

hobbies well i like to skate with my friends once in a while broke my shoulder bone last
summer wich sucked alot couldnt really move at all for a month and had to operate with
my left arm only if you tried to move your head it would already cause some pain.
i also enjoy just freestyle rapping with my friends once in a while and bang on some drums
DONKEY KONG! BONG BONG! what else grow my plants nurture em' pour some water on em
take all the dead leaves away quite fun.

well that's me in a nutshell even tho i dont really think that anyone cares, peace.