ok ... i never really learned how to take a pic but... ima tell u what happends to my gunz.... ok i open launcher... its all Good..... it updates perfect.... but when i press "StartGame"... it staysthere for like 3 sec... then blinks then another 2 secs... then blinks then dissapears... by blink i mean the whole launcher blinks fast.... im lOneBanditI... i disiced to reinstal vista to my comp and deleate every thing to make it faster... and trust me it have goten Much faster just like new.... but what broke the fun is that gunzwontstart from svchost or Gunzlauncher.... plzhelp...

well this is just alittle add on.. my gtkradient for my maps which i made a hot map for server but the mrs does not apperare in my folder.... just one little file appeares and it hass nothin to do with it...and i prees no light... i havev this hot map which u go through wallz and its likea falling map which u climb wallz and hot on diffrent floors....then go throu a house and go therough tunnals....and wallz which u cant go through its so fun