OK so........ I posted this about 1 months ago on another server's forums but I didn't get the comments and tips I was hoping for. I hope I'm going get get better luck posting here.

This is my 3rd model on "Wings3D" or 1st finished model.
A friend of mine showed me some of his models and I thought they were pretty pro so I asked if he was using blender (Hoping he could teach me). He said no. He said that Blender was too confusing for him and that he's using Wings3D(and 3dsMax to render stuff ). So I'm like : Ok I should try that program. So I did.
So this is what I got from like... 4 hours of modeling... O.O. Yes I'm slow... I wasn't used to the program.

Oh and this is not for GunZ... I made it just for practice.

Comments and tips would be appreciated ^.^.