Originally Posted by jpanda420 View Post
----summmary of everything. 1v1? I ask u use non donors, and lvl 0 rings. (wt rings.)
Also your choice whether you use the 5 n 6 dmg shottie.
or higher level ones without the 7 shot advantage.-----------------------
Then I'll post that as well how you lost in a even game.
Give me donors I can't complain I'd have them. Then it comes down to skill.
Give me a lvl 60+ acc, it comes down to skill.

play me with donors

when im lvl 18 non donor
it comes down to ur a juggarnaught status.

LOL This newgen.

Ok for one. I havn't played on daemons for about 3-4 yrs now.its always been unbalanced and donor oriented.

Second if your talking about EU GunZ (********)
Then once again newgen.

That server is much better, Atleast they had stable pings.
not 100-200
most of the playerbase here is eu/br.

Third if I'm going to go to any server, it will be one with a larger playerbase then this.

It's one thing to be unbalanced.
If you where smart you would also put into the equation.
if you watched replay, as an IJJI player I am not use to range like that.
(His sword.)
But I know you did not watch as you're an newgen.
Interested in title, but you'd rather showboat your arrogance.

---TLdR- --summary of below, below lvl 20, non donor, vs lvl 46, donor.-----

Also I am a lvl 18, its kinda hard to OWN anyone with a 5 and 6 dmg shottie.
When they probably double your own armor stat,
while double your shotgun damage,
and have according to bashy 3 extra shots, at twice the damage.

With low level shotties my best hope is to slash pb.
You can ask bashy himself.
Not an easy task to do consitently, while evading a sword with longer range, and lower delay, as well as avoiding even the smallest pb from a 10 dmg shotgun.
It took him 1 slash, and 1 pb to kill me in a round.

in otherwords i got 1slabed.

Lastly, I have to level without quest, (I do not know if their is quest, but I saw there wasn't.) So instead of starting aroudn level 30 or 40,
you have to start at 1.
Either on 200 pingers in beg channel.
Or 50 ping high level chars. (No problem they wont rush me when I'm reloading most likely they r too.)

or 50 ping donors. (Problem i reload, i cant do much, I try to dodge, I cant do much it even seems like they reload faster.)
What do you think people donate for? People donate is to help this community out. Can't you donate? Or your just poor and stop crying about people having donors. Can't afford your self a donater? Dont talk if you cant.