first of all i want to ask all the people that read this to start posting all your suggestions here and i will add them to the list!

The suggestions:

1. Aim practice map, with moving obstacle's that you can shoot and when you hit them perfectly you get a kill count but NO exp?

2. More ammo in snipers, i have the fact that i can only shoot 6 times while i LOVE snipers, and no im not gonna use ammo thingy's cuz i just want moar ammo

3. new model mines, that are smaller and harder to see for people makes it more fun in maps.

4. a map mode wich you ONLY can play in and that map copies ur Model and just stand still so that you can for Example: Train insta.

5. Real life map that doesn't matter if you have donator suits or whatever if u get an hit from no matter what distance u die ( ONLY SNIPERS/REVS ALLOWED )

6. Add a Graphix rank to the forums? i hate the fact that the rank was removed while that is the thing i love most. so please re-add the rank!