Originally Posted by Bunnychaser View Post
You shouldn't speak if you don't understand the point of the post.

Originally Posted by Sir Wolfman View Post
No, you should be thanking the Blizard's gfx team xD Nick-s just aplified parts etc. Not to say it doesn't look good xD it does.
Blizzard's*, GFX*, amplified*

Now that that's over with, I'll get on topic.

- I noticed that Deathwing's claws are very much blurred, though his shoulder is further back and more crisp. This may be something you want to mess around with, either by sharpening the claw a lot or blurring the shoulder while only sharpening the claw a bit. Either way, that should pan out a little bit better.
- The gate on the left side is very much blurred as well, right near the claw.
- Those are really the only real eye-catchers to me, except that the gate at the top is just as blurred as the background.

Keep on goin'; You're gettin' there.