Idk if this is the right section sorry if it isn't but anyway.

So I go into attack defence....

I play ya know. Having fun.

I end up being the last dude in a 1 v 1 situation about 3-4 times.

When I play regular games I play no rings and 7 dmg shottys I learned that from Wayne xD. So I'm using strategy to kill the dude you know...using the environment pot shooting....staying on walls drawing him out. His name is Jstanub btw. he gets hiself insta'd then goes and qq omg all you can do is block omg. [Btw I pbed hime 4-5 times but he has full donates + donor meds on deck so he can med back to full]. So then I go...."If I get my donates I'll rape you" and he's like go get em.

So then I go get them and rape him and he leaves because it's unfair or whatever.

In the process of rapeing him some other dude named Windows hops in the room. I kill him once and he says idk why legit thinks he's pro.....[lol] so I'm like okay. 1 v 1 me....or don't talk crap I didn't even ego the dude at first.
So then I rape him in 3 shots and he goes "man I went from lb to red so fast man im outta here legit is to obnoxious" qq city.

Why do these kids talk so much shit (soz if I can't curse)
But don't back it up like....
I know it's a game but because it's a game..
You'd think that no real repercussions occur
If you duel anyone anytime or....backed up your talk or whatever...

These kids qq then say your not pro. (Which I never said I was in the first place I'm a nub why do you think I play p servers) then they dodge
Then they qq like....its frustrating I would press V but I like to see the names when I kill people and stuff.

But anyways staff should make a rule like lol nobitchassness or something
Just because you duel and lose doesn't mean you suck or whatever. Like at least you had the balls and if you get owned oh well....should of never tlk'dshit.

Thanks for Your Time Freestylers

~^8iegit ; you know the one from the nooby frag video =P