he closed the other thing before I could put this:

[QUOTE=Windows;24382]Legit twins ego a lot but arent that good. Was playing 1 in an atk n def room using no donors, no rings, and 125/100 hp/ap and was still winning.

Coming from a dude that can't rs but can tbf 10/10 (macro).
I don't want to hear a bit.
You fail to count the countless times I dropped you.
first of all you had donor meds. So either way you can run and med to full 4+ times.
Second of all I go 120/100 hp/ap on legit on everybody all the time I don't feel the need to post my "proness" or how low my hp/ap was to make me feel better because I can beat someone.
Thrid of all you won't 1 v 1 me so just stop talking about me or anything involving me until you receive your official score of my dropping you.
Fourth of all you macro lol and you were tbfing on kids who can't even rhs so please....just stfu.; Ty

And for eSTiffy you are the worst egoing player I ever seen. You have no skill but you still talk I mean. You can ss. But every game every time you ego lagger blah blah and go 0-4 0-8 ect. If your gonna ego back it up. And when someone says no ele or donors in a 1 v 1 don't come with elec that'll hold me up for 4+ seconds please?

And for both of you.

1 v 1 me. I'll post screenies and you two can grovel about it later.

Lastly Windows I know you'll formulate some eloquent excuse why you can't duel me or why you don't macro or whatever. But you do and you dodge. I don't care what you say.

Gg. Yall skids are so annoying now a days bring the old f gunz back before these trash nubs.

Whoever replys call it ego call it whatever you want. & I'm sorry for arguin with nubs it makes me look like a nub but they are so annoying like god.