Aff .. so yeah i'm leaving which most of you don't care . Well , yeah i egoed once and i'v stopped it . I'll be in 4 year college then i'v a police job to do so yeah .. i'v no time to play i'v been always waiting for this future . I'll sell all my euro accounts & freestylegunz love it or hate it idc i don't play games no more . Some of you think i'm 12 years old or 11 years old well if you think thats true beleive in what you think . Well yeah here goes the ending =/ .

Thanks to Fuse for always putting me up & being nice to send some coins <3 .
Thanks to Shivam always try to make us mad & for playing around :] <3 .
Thanks to Gianapollo for cheering me up :] <3 .
Thanks to Huggies for playing with me all day long and making me having fun <333333 !
Special Thanks to Sun - KENJUGUARDS - ***** for making me an retard i suggest .
Thanks to SuperWaffle for helping me recover characters & accounts and keeping this server up .
Thanks to Mcsic for helping me from virus programs and tell funny jokes about throwing my computer out the window to fix it :] <3 .
Thanks to iTasty for playing with me in Gladitor rooms !

And yeah thats all if i didn't mention your name please tell me =/..

MSN : [email protected]
Some of you don't care about me cause i'v been a ego all time and taunting but it's KENJUGUARDS suggestion to make me taunt him so yeah .. this is the good bye from me <3 i'll never forget about FreestyleGunz people !

Good Bye
~James- My real name :/ ..