Uhhh.. Excuse me Grascen. First of all, Who are you, I've never met you before.
How dare you say that, Don't act defencivly, wtf is that. If I can barely K-style, Then define K-Style. K-Style isnt spraying nading flip-glitching. How dare you say that, I swear I've never seen you in My entire time I played FGunZ and I dont understand what possessed you to act to bitter towards me. If you call me a noob what are all the Sprayers glitchers and hackers out there.
Try to Act with some class and professionalism Grascen, Especially if your the Forum Mod. Someone people look up to.

PS. Jaka you know i love you. It was a joke ;P I thought you would understand.
If I was mad at you I wouldnt of even mentioned you <3