Originally Posted by gps6 View Post
[S]lasher here.

A few months ago I was forced to quit, School and stuff got in the way of GunZ, and after my exams I am extremely excited to return to all my friends and having good times playing. Well, I should have seen this coming. Popularity for a server comes with noobs. This servers gona down the drain and it makes me regret ever donating $50. I am quitting this server for a much more professional server. This server, which will stay un-named and is Invite only, will be the server I will reside at Sorry to ALL of my friends on this server, Excluding Jaka, and maybe I'll send you an invite to the new server I play. Just imagine a server without LAGGY SPRAYING NOOBS. Ahhh... Paradise for me. Well anyways. FGunZ, its been good, Untill NoobWar1 and LagWar1. Also I'm not digging the new website. Okay. I'm sure I'll be getting lots of negative feed back to this post, But i really don't care. Lol. Okay. BYE ALL.

I love you forever!


I love you all and Im gonna MISS YOU SOO MUCH

This is Jessica, Signing out, For the last time on this forum.
I know I wont be missed especially because I bet half the people who play now, the spraying, lagging hacking, noobs, dont even know theres a FGunZ homepage.

Cya later. I remember you waaaay back. Good games of AnD.=) You were a Hoe. Arrows. And I mean Hoe in a good way before anyone starts flaming my ass.LOL.