Alright so either this counts as harassment or it doesn't, either way i think it should.
Let me explain the situation.

So i donate to f-gunz a lot, so i can give these coins out in events to those who have no way of donating. I've been doing this for a long time and it's usually fun for everyone.

But today and yesterday, i've hosted a total of 4 events and in EVERY event, Andy has come in and ruined it. He will bring weapons and clothing and whatnot, and kill both of the hosters.
This is extremely irritating and i really wish he'd stop. He's completely ruining the events for everyone. I'm just trying to make this fair so everyone has a chance to get coins every once in a while.

His IGN is ^1A^4n^2d^7y^5

Simple solution = Kick him?
Tried that. He comes back on a bunch of other characters and does the same thing.
I don't know any other way of dealing with this. Like I said to everyone in the event, i'm not a GM, i can't just kick anyone i want.

I hope someone takes this as seriously as i am, sorry it was so long.
[I don't have proof but i have many many people that will back this up. All of the people from the event will]