Ok well , we was in a TDM. i owned Sea so they was mad , the next round , they get spray and sprayed me so i medded a lil bit , after my friend owned him and i taunted him cuz i hate him </3 , And after they kicked my ? MAD KING ? WTF? And its was a TDM ( Not for only his clan ) So well say him to stop the madderness idk if it a words but yah i got ss ( And idk if i can put it cuz im new on forums ) oh and ya they say they kick me cuz i begged at dapskoing xD!

Thas when they was kicking me , and the other is when i got kicked and they come begg at him turn LOL! SEA uMad? http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?s...type=1&theater WELL THATS IT ! DOE ANYTHINGS !