Originally Posted by Pickachuuuu View Post
you funny too because leading is a type of aiming too. when playing air fighting games (like in battlefield 1942/vietnam/2) you have to lead to actually hit an other aircraft since bullets don't travel fast enough to hit the target if you precicly aim on it. thats why you have to predict where its going to shoot a lil in front of it. thats original leading. i like gunz because you have to do this skill to kill. removing this skill factor will make the game too easy in my opinion.
I agree BUT aircraft in BF2 will be about like 100 feet in the air rather as your fighting opponents in gunz 1 on 1 most likely to be close to your target so anti lead doesn't mean your a baddie lmao I doubt everyone who started gunz on their first day expected LEAD to be inside the game people play FPS to HIT targets.

and miranda honestly kstyle should be challenging for itself already so anti lead wouldn't make it easier to kill people