High ranks, awnser these questions, untill they did please dont reply to this thread.

1. Is this a serious server? If no then youre done now.

2. If you would going to play a new server and you enter a room and everybody is flying and doing weird, what would you think?

3. What do you personaly think of the new dll? (be honest.)

4. If you enter Fgunz now with the new dll, do you think the server got any better? or did it got worse? or did it stay Equal? or did it get something else?

5. What do you think about the way this new dll came in to Fgunz, did it went quite good? or did it caused to many problems?

Here are my awnsers:

1. Yes it is.

2. I would think wtf is this kinda server? bye bye.

3. I think it isn't good, cmon Ninja jump? normaly thats a hack! for a while it can be fun.... but i think it sucks.

4. Got worse... To many weird things.

5. Caused to many problems.
