How can u say that my whole point is invalid, simply because YOU think that Jesus isnt a God? That makes no sense whatsoever. I had many points. Even if you THINK you can dis-prove my saying that some people believe that Jesus IS a GOD, that doesnt make the other over 9000 points that I made irrelevant. Did you even read my post? And how can you say that they DONT think he is a GOD? Obviously you are not a Christian, so what makes you think that you know what they DO believe in? Just because you spent 15 minutes reading someones online article trying to prove that there is no God? What makes you an Expert? I mean really? Most importantly, you missed the main POINT of what I was saying. The only thing I wanted you to actually get from all of my post, was simple... Accept the fact that People have the free choice to belive in what or whomever they wish. Therefore, let people believe in them, it doesnt hurt you in any way. How does one's beliefs change the way that we as a people interact with one another, so as long as we dont try to use our religious convictions to declare war upon one another. You see, it doesnt really matter in the big picture.. now does it? I still consider you a great friend, regardless of the fact that you dont believe in the same things as I do. I still Respect you for who you are, as a person, as a fellow member of this community. Creating debates such as these, does absolutely NO ONE, any good. all it does is create harsh feelings, bitterment, and hatred towards one another. So, that being said.. cant we all just get along! <3 Love ya Babe!