I just wanted to place input. Close this thread if you want, but read this.

First off, I'd like to say that I completely agree...



I highly doubt he would be denied by them if he applied for the GFX team. The others, however, should have been. If you are trying to be viewed as a serious server, then don't bring people onto a team if they have know clue what they're doing.

The point of the GFX team is to design the interfaces, forum skins, loading screens, and make threads helping people who are curious about GFX. However, because none of the current members of the GFX team are nearly good enough to do any of the aforementioned, then they should not be on the team.

Although McSic may see potential in them, potential is a waste if it's not fulfilled. However, speaking by lots of experience with GFX, I see these members of the GFX team as people who will give up GFX sooner or later, and their potentials will be wasted.

Just my input, I would heed it if I were you.

TL;DR: Read above.