Originally Posted by Rui_Kenshin View Post
I was just watching youtube and found a video of me doing late dash back in like 08 =). On FGunZ I might add to those who are new and call me a random. Just would like to say you k-style like me =).


1:52 silent rhhs (As you would know it as a late dash half half step if yall still even know the names anymore)

Enjoy & I'd like to say over the last 2-3 years I've been inactive from playing f gunz I've came back and beat the activest of the active people. So I hypothesize Gunz is near it's end people have reached the peak of performance everybody can ld now a days they just can't aim it, or tbf but just dunno when to use it but nobody will pull out flat ground QBFs and flat ground double half steps + blocks. Somebody needs to carry the torch for gunz or it's gonna burn out

I stole mine from ratpoison look him up he invented NA DHS, THS, and most of the commonly used late dash combos such as late dash to blink step block etc. GDHS all that it was said he got it from the Koreans but I don't speak that shit so I can't ask. People may say eww your a gunz nerd and hey I am, I'm in college now I get laid on a weekly basis so the no life gunz taunts are pretty vaugue. Just know I want someone to carry it on Gunz so when I'm like 30 I can show my kids that you can be cool and nerdy because look at me my youtube videos have 30k views blah blah blah. and if you think I'm ez ^1Rui_Kenshin add to chat room and we can clone 1 v 1 and I'll prolly spank that ass =). Gn


I love you.



Originally Posted by Faith View Post
why the f0k was this thread even brought back into existence?
Because its Rui.
