TDM Assassin

This is my opinion of how the game should be played.

What’s the object of the game?

Ok, a very good question. The main object/point of the game is to assassinate the other team’s player that is glowing, and your job is to protect your teammate that is glowing. You cannot tell the opponents teammate that is glowing, and they can’t tell who is glowing on your side. The player will be glowing the color of the team, either Red or Blue.

Can I use meds and grenades?

Yes you can, this is whatever you want. There’s nothing stopping your from using meds or grenades.
What weapons do most people use?
Well it varies on what you like. Since you can go all over the map, there are good points for all weapons. So it depends on what you like, I personally use two shotguns. I find these the best because they can be used anywhere.

How will I be able to tell who to assassinate?

The opponent that you have to assassinate will glow; it will be strongest at his/her waist. The glow can only be seen where you’re close to the person. This goes the same with the other team!

What’s a good strategy?

Well the best is to keep 2 people with your glowing player, two off looking for the opponents glowing player and the rest of the team attacking the other teams players.

Why only send 2 players off looking for the opponents glowing player, and not the whole team?

This is because if you send the whole team after the other team glowing player, then you will spend all your time looking for one player. And if the other team is using 1 hit kills, then a lot of your team will be whipped out. But by sending 2 to look for the opponents glowing member, this allows them to help each other say, if one gets massived, the other teammate can help him/her. The two should always stay together! If one dies, immediately ask for someone to go help the person who’s still alive.

Why only two looking after our sides glowing member?

This is the same as why you send two off to go find the other teams glowing member. The two protectors can protect your sides glowing member. But if you left more than this, then you’re leaving other squads short.

What if I don’t have enough teammates?

Then you have to first put your glowing man first, have ATLEAST 2 team mates on him at all times. The rest then go looking for the glowing opponent.

Hope this helps you, but if you need more help, then post it on the forum or send me a private message!