Originally Posted by slugheady View Post
laptops usually get hot, that isn't really a big problem unless it gets too hot.

If you place your laptop on your legs, or on a soft object, the chance is bigger that it gets "to" hot, that is because the ventilator will be blocked by the "soft" object, meaning the ventilator can't get rid of all its air, the object under it will get warm as well and that reacts with eachother, which makes it even more hotter, and that goes on and on, so try to put it on either a desk or just keep the vent space clean.

A desk is usually the best because that doesn't really warms up that easely, your legs for example already have a warm temperature, that is why its not suggested to put them there.
Usually when i'm rendering animation, my laptop gets quite warm, so does my desktop but you just don't feel that because of the case around it, things can get around 60 degrees in there when its just not doing a lot, and it can handle it fine, i don't know about the temperatures in a laptop, but as long as you didn't overclock something inside it then your fans should handle just fine what you're doing, you can always replace that but you do need to know what you're doing.

Any questions?

Cba reading this whole thread, big chance people said this already.

google it