Name: Mark

Age: 15

Languages: Java, C++, Lua, Some ASM and Python.

Skills / Experience: I've done most of my programming in Java, and Lua. I have learned C++ to make hacks for IJJI, and then, that's about all I've got with C++ (I've long gotten rid of the program). My Java experience is mainly with plugin development for Bukkit which is a modification of the Minecraft Server client. Lua was scripting, obviously, and also was the python. ASM was a system script I did for my computer.

Proof of work: My Github - - MRPG-Updated is the biggest project I've worked on, SimpleClans isn't mine, forked.
I don't currently have any C++ programs. I know the syntax, but most of the Gunz editing knowledge is gone. I could write a sample C++ program if it's necessary.

Closing: Not a ton of C++ experience, but most programming is similar in some regard. I'd thought I volunteer if you guys needed help, if not, oh well, thanks for reading.