Name: Jake Sheppard

Age: 15

Languages: English

In-Game Name: Mythics

Contact Information: [email protected] or Inbox me on the forums.

Skills / Experience: 2 years but only showing a couple pictures for now.

Proof of work: These are only 2 for example. If you would like more proof tell me something you would like me to do for a weapon and ill do it

Kingdom Heart Key.jpg A remake of a sword for example.jpg

Information about me: First of all i am 15 years old. I live in Canada, Ontario. I have been playing Freestyle Gunz for a bout 2 years now but i forgot my username and password. I am very helpful if someone asks me a question i answer it in the best way possibly to help them.

How Active are you?: i am very active, even though i just made this forums account i will be active all the time, In-game and on forums.

Why Should we hire you?: You should hire me because i am very cheerful and active. If someone request a item they want In-game Such as a New sword i am more then happy to create that for them.