I don't understand but now I'm unable to see the server at the menu where you choose the server. I used to able to run it. So I Ran the gunzlauncher then it came up with an error. Here's the log. Log start : Sun Nov 27 19:19:49 2011

Current Directory : C:\Users\Hafiz\Desktop\FreestylersWorld Entertainment
19:19:49:882 [APP] OS version : Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
19:19:49:889 [APP] Window created successfully.
19:19:52:064 [ZUpdate] Create.
19:19:52:064 [ZFileTransfer] Create.
19:19:52:065 [ZFileTransfer] Create successfully complete.
19:19:52:065 [ZFileTransfer] Open connection.
19:19:52:066 [ZFileTransfer] Open connection successfully complete.
19:19:52:066 [ZFileTransfer] Change directory.
19:19:52:066 [ZFileTransfer] Change directory successfully complete.
19:19:52:067 [ZUpdate] Create successfully compete.
19:19:52:069 [APP] Download patch info file
19:19:52:069 [ZUpdate] Start update.
19:19:52:070 [ZFileTransfer] Download file : ./patch.xml to ./patch.xml
19:20:34:091 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : A connection with the server could not be established

19:20:34:093 [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
19:20:34:094 [APP] ERROR - Cannot download patch info file
19:20:34:094 [APP] Updater error message :

The update server is not responding or is not running right now.
[Tip] Please check your firewall.
[Tip] Please try again after a while.

19:20:34:095 [App] File transfer error message :

A connection with the server could not be established

I already deactivated my firewall and everything.
Please help ASAP. Thanks,