Originally Posted by Jakanadin View Post
I love how everyone gets on my ass about this. Ummkay. I'm not perfect. Neither is my clan. I don't claim to be, neither do I claim my clan to be. It's called, people can change, or do very good at hiding things. Joe is a friend. Although I can safely say if he leaves again he's gone for good. I can't always be on, and I can't always catch things, and yeah so what, I let things slip because people are my friends. It's a GAME; not my job. I CAN play favorites in a game, because in-game, it's not a profession. It's my group of friends, and anyone else that would like to join. I'm sorry. I can't do everything. Hate the Corp or love it, because either way I could honestly not care. Everyone acts like every single member of the Corp's have special brain implants that I can just turn their ego's or flames or rages or trolls on and off. No. I can't. Sorry. Humans are impulsive and ever changing. Don't come at me with that holier than though argument, Mythiq. Because those rules are just what I WANT from my Corpsmen. Not what I can always have.

Spuratic, come in-game sometime tomorrow and I will try you out alright?
yessir! ill whisper you when im on or something thanks