Map choices: Town/Battle Arena

Match ups are random. SS is required proof of victory over match. If your opponent agree's you may decide on 3 rounds, 5 rounds, or 10. If you not come to an agreement, do 5 rounds. Recordings are optional but highly recommended. Since I believe the max entry for duel tourny is 8, you guys meet up whenever you can before the end of next Saturday PST(GMT-8). If someone breaks the rules simply record or SS and they will be disqualified. You may post your SS's/replays here.

Beginning Match Ups(Random):

1. ShaolinQuan VS God
2. Trigger VS BeanFarmer
3. Sinray VS ^5Miranda^G
4. LittIeMeow VS W^7eiipeiik^5
5. †Rage† VS ^CSora
6. ^CClaudia^A VS LittleMeow
7. Jakanadin VS Sparks
8. Bashy VS ^2Pallas
9. KingElina VS RedBull
10. Evils_Master VS ^5Kira^2
11. PurpleHaze VS ^2Z^9ack^2
12. ^8Jaay VS krunkfu
13. Trencal VS Meizu

*Updated match ups and a few other things as far as how the tournament will work.