Hello Freestylers,

I just was thinking about making or give an idea for the Gms/Admins for hosting new event and i think that it will be great,And i hope the players will like it too.

Alright here is it:-

An GM/Admin host an event called "DLM" which it's mean "Do Like Me!", And there will be two Gm's/Admins hosting this event to check any move from each player,This event is like Gm do a move for example (Jump Twice),And the players must do like the Gm's move,Each player have a turn for example: When the first player did it correctly the second player is ready to do the move,So it's not like the gm do the move and everybody make it together at the same time,And ofcourse if any player tried to run/ruin the event or he did the wrong move and he start to run or something like that(Etc),An gm has the ability to Kick him from the room,And one of the gms will do the move and the other one will check each player that how did he do hes move,and if he did it correctly the player will be able to do the next move that the gm will do it after he finish his job(Checking),And if he did any mistake in his move(player) he will die.
In edition,the gms should record any of this event to make sure that everything is correct.

~ Done.
So i hope that you like my ideas and to make it each day for making our players like to be in any event in any day,Plus i will think about more events and more idea to make this game more intriguing!

