Name(optional): Andreas =D

Email:[email protected] add me to msn =D

IGN(any games offered by the Freestyle Crew):AmandaUR

Forum Name:Amanda

How long have you been on the forum? joined in 06 i think lol
but still im on it much

How much experience do you have with Moderating? yep Very much
i know when i have to log and move delete

Am I active? almost half time of my gameplay im on forums

Am I trustworthy? You cant Count on me

Do I speak any Languages besides English? Danish Swedish norways

What other GunZ Servers have I worked for(GM/Moderator)? A other gunz server but i cant remember name D=

Good knowledge of the Terms of Service for this site? REaly good

Closing(put what ever you want here): Hmmm wishing good luck to all

=D and i love you alll