Hey I have a few suggestions for new weapons.

PPC from the MechWarrior series. (looks like twisted beams of plasma)

Laser/Beam/Plasma Cannon. Why not add a gun with projectiles like the classic star wars blaster or a constant stream firing beam weapon?

Mini Cluster Grenades. Hmm... smaller grenades attached to a bigger grenade that get launched out after the first explosion >

Sword&Shield combo. When you press block it just puts up the shield o.O idk how you'd handle massive though.. XD

Grenade Launcher. Nuff said.

Triple Barreled Shotgun. Like the Jackhammer from Planetside! look it up lolz.

Tesla Rifle. Bolts of lightning out of a gun @_@

Fountain Mine. This one's from Battlezone II ! It's one of the godly you weapons you can get in the editor... anyway... It's a mine that spouts projectiles upward into the air and then the projectiles home in on targets and hit them like bullets until the mine runs out of projectiles to "fountain" out and then it explodes O_O.

This one may be tough but.... Deployable shields? Mini Turrets?

Just a few suggestions :p I know they're complicated but it would be kinda cool to eventually see some of these in game .