Reporting: Wayne
Reason: Overclocking
Why: I think hes moving way faster than normal and it doesnt seem right.
What is overclocking? Overclocking is the process of making a computer or component operate faster than the specified clock frequency by the manufacturer by modifying system parameters. One of the most important techniques is running at a higher clock rate (more clock cycles per second; hence the name "overclocking"), but other parameters, such as CPU multiplier and memory timings, can also be changed and would be considered to be overclocking. Operating voltages may also be changed (increased), which can increase the speed at which operation remains stable. Most overclocking techniques increase power consumption, generating more heat, which must be dispersed if the chip is to remain operational.(
The purpose of overclocking is to increase the operating speed of given hardware. The trade-offs are an increase in power consumption. (see more at

Pretty much, it makes ur gunz way faster, and when you get use to it, you hit way more and yeah.


thanks <3 wayne no hate me pls