Dont tell me to reinstall please

Dont tell me to update my drivers

Dont tell me to delete my config.xml

Dont tell me to Redl the stuff, ive done it countless amount of times now

Dont tell me to update directx, i have version 11, and was updated from v9
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Done

Directx has failed to initalize.

[17/15/2012 02:50:10] Launcher was opened.
[24/9/2012 02:50:10] Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (build 7600), 32-bit
[24/9/2012 02:50:10] Current Directory: C:\Program Files\Freestyle GunZ Version 7
[24/9/2012 02:50:10] Initializing..
[24/9/2012 02:50:11] Analyzing patch info..
[24/9/2012 02:50:11] Processing files..
[24/9/2012 02:51:27] Ready to start.
[24/9/2012 02:529] Starting game...
[24/9/2012 02:52:56] Launcher was closed.