Originally Posted by slugheady View Post
By posting here you are asking for not just mine, but everyones opinion. And I realize 95% of this community is half braindead and just simply says they like it or not, but people like me and some others actually take the time to look and comment on what you post, and trying to help you improve. You're lucky people take the time for that, and you're an asshole for saying we shouldn't waste our time.
Exactly, I ask for your opinions, you are not obligated to give it away so easily, but I understand that a big amount of the community has little to no knowledge on this and usually just say whether they like it or not, like you've said. That's why I appreciate your type of criticism the most, even if it is harsh, I've gotten allot of harsh criticism and that has helped me allot. And, for people who take their time to actually give somewhat good criticism, it is obvious I am thankful to them. Don't worry, both you and I are assholes to some extent.