Hello everyone!
My name is Tanner and I participate in Freestyle GunZ under the character name Quianmore. The name was uniquely developed by my own personal self-discussion and controversy in desiring to create a name that would be remembered by users from a stand-point of, "I saw that name before," yet not exactly remembering maybe how to spell it. It keeps the helpfulness of being known separate from the action of contact, which can sometimes be nice! (Not that I'm some big star in any GunZ server. I've used this name for League of Legends, World of Warcraft, etc. Clans and Guilds appreciate the uniqueness)

I presume in a quick general rundown of who I am, I happen to be a 19 year old male living in Pennsylvania, USA who is pursuing a degree in web development and design. I greatly enjoy editing photos online and drawing using tools like Photoshop. I'm a huge gaming nerd but I also love to read, write, draw, and paint in my spare time. I'm not often found outside the house unfortunately, simply due to my lack of social life, I'll admit it. People have been asking, yes, I am openly recognized as gay. One of those silly subjects where everyone is entitled to their opinion; however, enforcing your hate on me is, kind of dumb. I'm a genuinely nice person, who accepts everyone for who they are. I kind of expect the same from you before you start placing judgments. A few lines of text will do you no good.

I have made some mistakes in the past, such as making strange facades to redirect entire communities. I've dodged populations and asked friends to serve as substitutes. I am a human being not afraid to establish my flaws. No one is perfect, no one. I would greatly appreciate it if any hate mail and or other editorial crude remarks be redirected at my inbox rather than this thread. Thanks so much!

Otherwise, this community seems very well engineered. The staff seems, "together" and the players are mature and developed to a higher degree than most private servers I've visited. Special thanks to the few who have already made my acquaintance and made the download worth-while. See you folks in-game!